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Technical Article/펌 2005. 3. 17. 18:09


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내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력해주세요.

Technical Article/펌 2005. 3. 17. 18:07

TRACE 한 위치 찾아가는 매크로

보호되어 있는 글입니다.
내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력해주세요.

Technical Article/펌 2005. 3. 12. 10:32

[MSDN] Standard C++ Library Reference

Standard C++ Library Reference

Thread Safety in the Standard C++ Library
When /MT, /MTd, /MD, or /MDd is used, the following thread-safety rules are in effect:

Container Classes (vector, deque, list, queue, stack , priority_queue, valarray, map, multimap, set, multiset, basic_string, bitset) and complex
For reads to the same object, the object is thread safe for reading:

From one thread at a time when no writers on other threads.
From many threads at a time when no writers on other threads.
For writes to the same object, the object is thread safe for writing from one thread when no readers on other threads

For reads to different objects of the same class, the object is thread safe for reading:

From one thread at a time.
From one thread at a time when no writers on other threads.
From many threads at a time.
From many threads at a time when no writers on other threads.
For writes to different objects of the same class, the object is thread safe for writing:

From one thread when no readers on other threads.
From many threads.
iostream Classes
Note that reading from a stream buffer is not considered to be a read operation. It should be considered as a write operation, because this changes the state of the class.

For reads to the same object, the object is thread safe for reading:

From one thread at a time when no writers on other threads.
From many threads at a time when no writers on other threads.
For writes to the same object, , the object is thread safe for writing:

From one thread when no readers on other threads.
From many threads (when accesses are limited to stream buffers).
For reads to different objects of the same class, , the object is thread safe for reading:

From one thread at a time.
From one thread at a time when no writers on other threads.
From many threads at a time.
From many threads at a time when no writers on other threads.
For writes to different objects of the same class, the object is thread safe for writing:

From one thread when no readers on other threads
From many threads
See Also
iostream Programming

Technical Article/펌 2005. 2. 19. 17:52

문자열중에 한글자가 포함된거 찾기 쿼리


% 는 0개이상의 문자 *에 해당
문자열중에 '(' 있는거 찾기

Technical Article/펌 2005. 2. 16. 09:45

NT계열 소켓 최대수 5000개 미만(레지수정요망!)

참고로 NT System의 TCP에서의 소켓의 갯수는 5000개 미만입니다
즉 5000개 미만으로 제한되어 있다는거죠
이 수는 레지스트리 수정으로 변경할 수 있습니다.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\MaxUserPort 이 부분을 수정하시면 됩니다.
Technical Article/펌 2005. 1. 28. 14:50

[팁]유니코드 완성형에서 초중종성 분리하기...

제 목 [팁]유니코드 완성형에서 초성, 중성, 종성 분리하기... 7022 0 kunabomb@empal.com 7022 0 0
작 성 자 유인환(kunabomb)
작성시각 2005-01-27 오후 5:29:42 조 회 수 167
글 분 류 VC++ 일반

출처 : 데브피아
Technical Article/펌 2005. 1. 17. 18:10

VC++7 to VC++6 project converter

VC++7 to VC++6 project converter


Loading JPG & PNG resources using GDI+
Technical Article 2004. 12. 21. 15:15

사각형 출돌체크

//                int nSpecing = 0;
//                int nSize = m_vecColl.size();
//                for(int n=0;n<nSize;n++)
//                {
//                    CFiaRect rtTmp = (CFiaRect)m_vecColl.elementAt(n);
//                    nSpecing = rtTmp.nReserved;
//        //                int x=(rtTmp.x+rtTmp.dx/2)-(rt.x+rt.dx/2);
//        //                int y=(rtTmp.y+rtTmp.dy/2)-(rt.y+rt.dy/2);
//        //
//        //                
//        //                if( ( Math.abs(x) < Math.abs(rtTmp.dx/2+rt.dx/2) ) &&
//        //                        ( Math.abs(y) <= Math.abs(rtTmp.dy/2+rt.dy/2) ) )
//        //                        return false;
//                    if ( rtTmp.x <= rt.x-nSpecing & rtTmp.x+rtTmp.dx >= rt.x-nSpecing )
//                    {
//                        if ( rtTmp.y <= rt.y-nSpecing & rtTmp.y+rtTmp.dy >= rt.y-nSpecing )
//                            return false;
//                        if ( rtTmp.y <= rt.y-nSpecing+rt.dy+nSpecing*2 & rtTmp.y+rtTmp.dy >= rt.y-nSpecing+rt.dy+nSpecing*2 )
//                            return false;
//                    }
//                    if ( rtTmp.x <= rt.x-nSpecing+rt.dx+nSpecing*2 & rtTmp.x+rtTmp.dx >= rt.x-nSpecing+rt.dx+nSpecing*2 )
//                    {
//                        if ( rtTmp.y <= rt.y-nSpecing & rtTmp.y+rtTmp.dy >= rt.y-nSpecing )
//                            return false;
//                        if ( rtTmp.y <= rt.y-nSpecing+rt.dy+nSpecing*2 & rtTmp.y+rtTmp.dy >= rt.y-nSpecing+rt.dy+nSpecing*2 )
//                            return false;                
//                    }
//                }
Technical Article/펌 2004. 12. 8. 18:04


보호되어 있는 글입니다.
내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력해주세요.

Technical Article/펌 2004. 12. 8. 10:22

#pragma pack(n)

#pragma pack(1)


#pragma pack()