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Technical Article/펌 2006. 11. 6. 02:29

Web Browser 컨트롤 FAQ

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Technical Article/펌 2006. 11. 6. 02:06

GetLastError 값을 보고 싶을때

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Technical Article/펌 2006. 11. 6. 02:04

C++에서 ADO를 이용한 Stored Procedure 사용법

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Technical Article/펌 2006. 11. 5. 03:24

논문 쓰는 법 (이동만교수님曰)

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Technical Article/펌 2006. 11. 3. 02:37

XML에 대한 심플한 정의~

XML은 Application Logic을 구현하기 위한게 아니라

구조적으로 데이터를 만드는것이 목적.

크로스브라우져를 지원하기위해서는 XMLHttpRequst를 사용!

Technical Article/펌 2006. 10. 1. 19:45

[팁] 32x32 아이콘을 16x16으로 변환

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Technical Article/펌 2006. 8. 10. 02:17

2의 보수를 이용한 음수표현

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Technical Article/펌 2006. 8. 6. 17:24

Win32 시리얼 통신 강좌

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Technical Article/펌 2006. 5. 26. 03:10

%보다 aa-aa/10*10 가 빠르다!!!

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Technical Article/펌 2006. 4. 6. 07:58



  cplusplus.com > reference > cstdlib > srand
void  rand ( unsigned int seed );

Initialize random number generator.
  Uses seed parameter to set a new starting point for generating random numbers with rand.
  If seed is set to 1 the generator is reinitialized to its initial value as before any call to rand or srand.
  In order to generate true random numbers it is suggested to use as seed a value that changes often, like the one returned by time function included in <time.h> (the number of seconds elapsed since newyear 1970).


An integer value to be used as starting point with the pseudo-random number generator algorithm.

Return Value.

  Defined in ANSI-C.


/* rand/srand example */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>int main (){  /* initialize random generator */  srand ( time(NULL) );  /* generate some random numbers */  printf ("A number between 0 and 100: %d\n", rand()%100);  printf ("A number between 20 and 30: %d\n", rand()%10+20);  return 0;}
A number between 0 and 100: 93
A number between 20 and 30: 21

See also.
