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Technical Article/펌 2004. 4. 19. 03:54

프로세스별 CPU사용율 알아내기

제 목 프로세스별 CPU사용율 아라내기
작 성 자 김한석(khs09188)    첨 부
파 일  
작성시각 2002-02-05 오후 11:53:49
조 회 수 1933

쩝 이거 알아내는라고 좀 뭐좀 빠졌습니다.

소스는 기본적으로 두부분으로 나뉘어져 있습니다.
첫부분은 현메모리에 떠 있는 프로세스의 정보를 취득
해오는 부분인데, 타스크메니저의 프로세스가 사용하는
것과 동일한 프로세스만 취득해옵니다. 왜냐면 phd함수를
사용해서 Enumerate하기 때문이죠. 그래서 두가지 프로세스
는 제외시켰습니다.(Idle, _Total).클클

그 다음은 pdh함수를 사용하여 위에서 취득한 프로세스별로
카운터를 설정하고 측정한후 그 결과값을얻을 수 있습니다.
이 소스를 가지고 많은 활용 할수 있으리라 믿습니다.

이 프로그램은 지정된 퍼센트이상인 프로세스만 추려내는

좀더 나은 방법을 알고 계시다면 저에게도 좀 알려주시고요.
그럼 즐프하세요.

/*< Usage >*********************************************************************
* int GetProcessCpuUsage (
*   inLimitPercent  : Percent of CPU Usage Alarm Level ( 0~100 )
* )
* return value :  0 : Normal Ended
*                -1 : Abnormally Ended
* Result Value :
*        int    ginRetProcessCount : Count of Result Process
*               : String Array of Result Process
* ##Caution : It must be included "pdh.lib"
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pdh.h>
#include <malloc.h>

*                                                                  *
*                        PreDefine Value                           *
*                                                                  *

#define CPU_WARN_LIMIT           90 /* Percent of CPU alarm limit     */
#define MAX_PROCESS_COUNT       128 /* Count of Max Process on Memory */
#define MAX_PROCESSNAME_LENGTH   64 /* Length of Process Name         */
#define MAX_EXCEPT_COUNT          2 /* Count of Except Process Name   */

*                                                                  *
*                Global Area for the Result Value                  *
*                                                                  *

int     ginRetProcessCount;     /* Count of Result                */

                                /* Result of Process Name         */

*                                                                  *
*                         Subroutine Start                         *
*                                                                  *

int GetProcessCpuUsage(int inLimitPercent)
    *                                                              *
    *               Define Variables and Initialize                *
    *                                                              *

    HQUERY      hQuery;
    char        chCounterName[256];

    int     inRet = 0, i = 0;
    int     inExceptFoundFlg;  /* Flag of Except Process Name exist  */
    int     inProcessCount;    /* Count of Process Name after fetch  */
                               /* Result of Enumerate Process Name   */
                               /* Except Process Define Array        */
            = {"Idle","_Total",};

    PDH_STATUS  pdhStatus               = ERROR_SUCCESS;
    LPTSTR      szCounterListBuffer     = NULL;
    DWORD       dwCounterListSize       = 0;
    LPTSTR      szInstanceListBuffer    = NULL;
    DWORD       dwInstanceListSize      = 0;
    LPTSTR      szThisInstance          = NULL;

    inProcessCount     = 0;
    ginRetProcessCount = 0;
    memset(chProcess,     (char)NULL, sizeof(chProcess)    );
    memset(gchRetProcess, (char)NULL, sizeof(gchRetProcess));

    *                                                              *
    *        Get the list of working processes on memory           *
    *                                                              *

    // Determine the required buffer size for the data.
    pdhStatus = PdhEnumObjectItems (
        NULL,                   // reserved
        NULL,                   // local machine
        TEXT("Process"),        // object to enumerate
        szCounterListBuffer,    // pass in NULL buffers
        &dwCounterListSize,     // an 0 length to get
        szInstanceListBuffer,   // required size
        &dwInstanceListSize,    // of the buffers in chars
        PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD,     // counter detail level

    if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // Allocate the buffers and try the call again.
        szCounterListBuffer  = (LPTSTR)malloc ((dwCounterListSize  * sizeof
        szInstanceListBuffer = (LPTSTR)malloc ((dwInstanceListSize * sizeof

        if ((szCounterListBuffer != NULL) && (szInstanceListBuffer != NULL))
            pdhStatus = PdhEnumObjectItems (
                NULL,                    // reserved
                NULL,                    // local machine
                TEXT("Process"),        // object to enumerate
                szCounterListBuffer,    // pass in NULL buffers
                &dwCounterListSize,     // an 0 length to get
                szInstanceListBuffer,   // required size
                &dwInstanceListSize,    // of the buffers in chars
                PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD,     // counter detail level
            if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS)
                // Walk the return instance list.
                for (szThisInstance = szInstanceListBuffer;
                     *szThisInstance != 0;
                     szThisInstance += lstrlen(szThisInstance) + 1)
                    /* Check Except Process Name */
                    inExceptFoundFlg = 0;
                    for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_EXCEPT_COUNT ; i++ )
                        if ( memcmp(szThisInstance, chExcepName[i], strlen
(chExcepName[i])) != 0 )
                            inExceptFoundFlg = 1;
                    if ( !inExceptFoundFlg )
                        /* Set the process */
                        sprintf(chProcess[inProcessCount++], "%s",

        else inRet = -1;

        if (szCounterListBuffer != NULL) free (szCounterListBuffer);

        if (szInstanceListBuffer != NULL) free (szInstanceListBuffer);
    else inRet = -1;

    *                                                              *
    *              Find the process over the limit                 *
    *                                                              *

    /* Open a query */
    PdhOpenQuery(NULL, 0, &hQuery);

    /* Add counter name */
    for( i = 0 ; i < inProcessCount ; i++ )
        memset( chCounterName, (char)NULL, sizeof(chCounterName) );
        sprintf(chCounterName, "\\Process(%s#0)\\%% Processor Time", &chProcess
        PdhAddCounter(hQuery, chCounterName, 0, &hCounter[i]);

    /* Get the data */

    /* Find a result */
    for( i = 0 ; i < inProcessCount ; i++ )
        PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(hCounter[i], PDH_FMT_DOUBLE, NULL, &FmtValue);
        if( (int)FmtValue.doubleValue >= inLimitPercent )
            /* Found the process over the limit */
            sprintf(gchRetProcess[ginRetProcessCount++], "%s", &chProcess[i]);

    /* Close a query */

    /* Normally Ended */
    return 0;
*                                                                  *
*                         Subroutine End                           *
*                                                                  *

int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
                     HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                     LPSTR     lpCmdLine,
                     int       nCmdShow)
    int inRet = 0;

    /* Get the process over the limit */
    inRet = GetProcessCpuUsage( CPU_WARN_LIMIT );
    if( inRet )
        /* Error */
        return -1;

    /* Normally Ended */
    return 0;