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Technical Article/펌 2004. 7. 6. 11:55

Reduce C/C++ Compile Time With distcc

Reduce C/C++ Compile Time With distcc

Posted by CmdrTaco on Monday July 05, @05:58PM
from the one-for-the-power-users dept.
An anonymous reader writes "Some people prefer the convenience of pre-compiled binaries in the form of RPMs or other such installer methods. But this can be a false economy, especially with programs that are used frequently: precompiled binaries will never run as quickly as those compiled with the right optimizations for your own machine. If you use a distributed compiler, you get the best of both worlds: fast compile and faster apps. This article shows you the benifits of using distcc, a distributed C compiler based on gcc, that gives you significant productivity gains."

[출처 : /. ]

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