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Technical Article/펌 2006. 11. 6. 02:04

C++에서 ADO를 이용한 Stored Procedure 사용법

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Technical Article/펌 2006. 11. 5. 03:24

논문 쓰는 법 (이동만교수님曰)

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Technical Article/펌 2006. 11. 3. 02:37

XML에 대한 심플한 정의~

XML은 Application Logic을 구현하기 위한게 아니라

구조적으로 데이터를 만드는것이 목적.

크로스브라우져를 지원하기위해서는 XMLHttpRequst를 사용!

Technical Article/펌 2006. 10. 1. 19:45

[팁] 32x32 아이콘을 16x16으로 변환

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Technical Article/펌 2006. 8. 10. 02:17

2의 보수를 이용한 음수표현

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Technical Article/펌 2006. 8. 6. 17:24

Win32 시리얼 통신 강좌

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Technical Article/펌 2006. 5. 26. 03:10

%보다 aa-aa/10*10 가 빠르다!!!

보호되어 있는 글입니다.
내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력해주세요.

Technical Article/펌 2006. 4. 6. 07:58



  cplusplus.com > reference > cstdlib > srand
void  rand ( unsigned int seed );

Initialize random number generator.
  Uses seed parameter to set a new starting point for generating random numbers with rand.
  If seed is set to 1 the generator is reinitialized to its initial value as before any call to rand or srand.
  In order to generate true random numbers it is suggested to use as seed a value that changes often, like the one returned by time function included in <time.h> (the number of seconds elapsed since newyear 1970).


An integer value to be used as starting point with the pseudo-random number generator algorithm.

Return Value.

  Defined in ANSI-C.


/* rand/srand example */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>int main (){  /* initialize random generator */  srand ( time(NULL) );  /* generate some random numbers */  printf ("A number between 0 and 100: %d\n", rand()%100);  printf ("A number between 20 and 30: %d\n", rand()%10+20);  return 0;}
A number between 0 and 100: 93
A number between 20 and 30: 21

See also.

Technical Article/펌 2006. 3. 13. 16:54

SQL Server 2000 Paging and Sorting

SQL Server 2000 Paging and Sorting
Technical Article/펌 2006. 3. 10. 14:50

MFC Assertions

Visual Studio

MFC Assertions
MFC defines the ASSERT macro for assertion checking. It also defines the MFC ASSERT_VALID and CObject::AssertValid for checking the internal state of a CObject-derived object.

The MFC ASSERT macro halts program execution and alerts the user if the argument (an expression) evaluates to zero or false. If the expression evaluates to a nonzero, execution continues.

When an assertion fails, a message dialog box displays the name of the source file and the line number of the assertion. If you choose Retry in the dialog box, a call to AfxDebugBreak causes execution to break to the debugger. At that point, you can examine the call stack and other debugger facilities to determine the cause of the assertion failure. If you have enabled Just-in-time debugging, the dialog box can launch the debugger if it was not running when the assertion failure occurred.

The following example shows how to use ASSERT to check the return value of a function:

int x = SomeFunc(y);
ASSERT(x >= 0); // Assertion fails if x is negative
You can use ASSERT with the IsKindOf function to provide type checking of function arguments:

ASSERT( pObject1->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CPerson ) ) );
The ASSERT macro catches program errors only in the Debug version of your program. The macro produces no code in the Release version. If you need to evaluate the expression in the Release version, use the VERIFY macro instead of ASSERT.

See Also