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DSP 2005. 3. 30. 09:44

Link collection of DSP / audio programming sites

Link collection of DSP / audio programming sites

If you feel like diving into programming of plugins yourself (and I would encourage you to do so), here is an (unsorted) collection of links to get more information.
Some of them are pretty well-known among the community of programmers, others found their way into my bookmark list just by surfing the net and feeding the search engines with stupid questions.

Beware: Starting to program plugins can make you addicted, weird, look neglected and may isolate you from your normal environment :D
Furthermore, it can be very frustrating when things don't work as expected and your computer keeps on crashing. I recommend you to look for someone to pick you up from time to time... ;)

- I am not responsible for the content the people behind these web sites offer.
- If a link on this page seems to be no more available, please let me know.]

출처 : http://www.digitalfishphones.com/main.php?item=3&subItem=2